Help us to continue our ongoing efforts in education, community activism , creating safe spaces and building a stronger sense of fellowship and camaraderie in the Utah men’s Leather/Fetish/Kink community.
Memberships and Sponsorships are a different thing:
We welcome all public support through donations for membership and sponsor memberships but paying for a membership online, without a sponsor, does not give you access. You cannot buy your way in. Please secure your sponsor prior to paying for memberships online if you want access to our private spaces.
Two levels of membership are currently available:
A $50.00 Standard Membership and a $100.00 Sponsoring Membership for those that want to donate more to help us do more for our community. Please note that membership will no longer include reduced admission to events. Members are able to sponsor guests to private events and classes.
What do we do aside from throw awesome monthly parties?
Standard Membership
blackBOOTS Membership
2025 memberships are valid 1/1/2025-12/31/2025
All Members must be adults 18+ with valid ID.
blackBOOTS Sponsor Membership
Donate more to help us do more for our community.
2025 memberships are valid 1/1/2025-12/31/2025
All Members must be adults 18+ with valid ID.